Sunday, November 10, 2013

How Personal To Be When Bogging

The idea of just how personal one should get when writing on their blog is of coarse of central importance and certainly there as an underlying consideration for anyone who is using a blog but perhaps not consciously enough. If we can outline some of the considerations and determining factors that help us to assess the boundaries around how personal to become and for what types of situations and blogs then we can surely do ourselves quite a service in the long run of helping and preparing for avoiding all kinds of potential problems. So the key consideration is really having an idea of just what you want the scope of your blog to be used for. For my self, my blog is to serve as a supplement to the type of business that I do. It helps me to have an outlet to stay in the conversation and mode of mental consideration of everything that is informationally relevent to my craft. So I have reasons to be personal as well as stay very impersonal. For the most part I see the essence of what I am in support of through my business to be impersonal even though the intention is to develop a reputation of repore and trust with individuals. This is because I don't intend to try to create a sense of "weight" in my opinion through personal expertise but rather rely on my intention to selflessly be a wholehearted reporter of the science that my personal wellness consultation service means to be able to facilitate. In this way it is my hope that I am percieved as free of ego and far more motivated by sincerity to be able to share what is scientifically valid. In this way I can gain more trust and be seen as a reliable source for valuable information that does not come from a huge agenda. However it is also necessary to carry a tone of caring and relating personally through addressing customer problems and questions. I must have a reputation of accountability so that I am regarded as the face of a service that keeps brand loyalty so it is key to be very human as well. I run my business alone so I am not forced to adhere to any corporate ideals or policies when commenting or responding to inquiries but it still makes great sense to be sparing as to how much and just to what depth you become personal through the blog. One would not mean to accidently give out all kinds of key details of there personal life choices and schedule if it can create an avenue for stalking or identity theft for example. But I need to be know as the one behind the brand and also hosting my blog as a means of providing others in my industry the space for guest blog spots which helps with brand loyalty. So there is no hard or fast rules to the boundaries but for my specific usage and business it is required that I find a tasteful balance that conveys to anyone just what it is or would be to be in my shoes trying to do this. So I want to give my customers and followers the best of my wholehearted personality while still keeping their respect for my wisdom regarding self protection where inherently reasonable.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Lots of 10 cent words here. I agree with what you are saying about being personal yet impersonal at the same time. It's always a balance because you want certain things about yourself not to be put on display to the world. But ultimately you may have to because when you write your personality always shines through.

    As a general comment on your posts, they are difficult to read because of the font and lack of spacing between paragraphs.
