Thursday, November 14, 2013

David C on Newsletters for Business

The potential to stay in your customers awareness for a long time after there initial interaction or transaction with you is greatly increased by creating a newsletter that can be subscribed to. And when people have that free subsciption you have their attention perpetually as they come to consider and perhaps even rely on your information as their preferred source so making a newsletter that is likeable and marketable is key to winning an active subscriber that actually seeks to stay in the know of your information. Of course not every business inherently lends itself to being well suited for a newsletter. If your industry is not making much news then a newsless newsletter would be basically pathetic. For myself the idea of having a newsletter for my business sounds fun but at the same time an added stressor that may not be worth the headache. I can invision having times where I am rich with content and can easily find more than eough to address in the sections of my newsletter. Snd then I'm sure that there would be times where I'd be seaching just to find something to fill it in with and end up struggling to get it out on time. If I were to include a newsletter as part of my email marketing plan I'd release a newsletter either every 2 onths or perhaps even once a season. The less the better in my opinion because I want to make sure that each time I put someting out the quality is genuine and meaningful so it is a joy to create and the content was gradually gathered not forced. If I do create a newsletter for ny business I think there would be a lot of great stuff I could put into it. I'd definitely have a lot of different articles. Being that I am about holistic wellness there is all kinds of catergories I could create content for. There could be an ask the experts column, articles on industry innovations, yoga poses for different treatment purposes, guest writers, health trend or hox exposees etc. I could also feature lifestyle tips columns as well as product reviews and recipes. If my newsletter only came out once per season that is convinient also because the advice for how best to stay healthy varies with the seasons from a holistic health perspective so that makes it pedrfect for always having a column about how to address staying healthy and balanced with the seasonal changes taking place. If I take a look around at other businesses offering similar news letters then I could see just what kind of content I'm looking to match or mimic in some ways.

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