Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog Catergories to Use when Bogging for Business.

Like anything else the catergories to organize by depend on the intention. So when considering just what catergories one would want to create to serves as the designations for organizing their blog content one must think about the intended nature of the blog and this is especially important when the blog is to be used for the purpose of administering an aspects of one's business. Since a blog created for business potentially has a very real consequence for how functional it is (mainly how much business it leads to the generation of and the monetary outcome that results)we will want to plan and setup the catergories for our anticipated blog content with great consideration. Pretty much any business is going to want to make a list of the keywords pertainant to the business's industry and the functions that the blog is there to administer. When I consider using a blog for my business. The primary question is what content will I need to be funneling in order to keep it all accessible and orderly so that it is streamlined for the people that will be more pleased to return and follow a blogger that gets them what they want. Because that is what I want to be known for so that I become the go to source for my area of content. That is the goal. To be "their guy for that". And my "that" is personal wellness. Which is inherently such a broad catergory in and of itself that it gives me all kinds of room to articulate the areas of consideration that personal wellness manifests as so all of those subdivisions that I mean to speak to will become the initial catergories. So I intend to speak to the areas of; alternative medicine and healing, new age thought, technological innovations for lifestyle, personalized wellness (as the means to perpetually promote my personal wellness consultation procress and service), basics of yoga, mediation and balanced living. These are the areas I mean to speak to and can then watch what catergory of content gets the greatest response. Which may lead to refining the catergories as well as which one's I support with the most posts etc. Other catergories to support the primary functioning of these content catergories might become admin related themes like: Suggestion Box, Guest Bloggers, Best of Twitter Stream, Testimonials, FAQs, Links we Like, Fiends and Followers Feedback etc. If you take some time to think about how all ofthe content of your blog is going to need to flow then you have set yourself up to maintain your sanity and feed an effortless increase in blog following since getting information from you as a source is convinient and effective. Cheers, David C : ) Also Its worth mentioning that I commented on some of the bogs of my fellow CSIT155 bloggers where I felt prompted to speak to their "How Personal to get when Bogging" entries. The blogs that I felt compelled to leave comments for where, http://cindyworldtraveler.blogspot.com/, http://jeliwilson.blogspot.com/ http://deesocialmediajourney.blogspot.com/

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