Friday, November 29, 2013

Best Google Analytics Features for My Company

As I look through and comsider the variety of features and options availible through google analytics for my business I must admit I am overwhelmed. There is so many ways tht the analytics are potential brokem down for one's business use it is mind boggling. The idea of all of this analysis is so new and hypothetical to me that it is a little bit difficult to wrap my head around but even from the limited descriptions of the analytics features I was still able to get a fairly good idea of what features are potentially the most favorable for the nature and the scope of my business. I considered the Remarketing and SEO features to be the most relevent for me in the Advertising and Campaign Performance catergory since being able to keep your products and brand in a potential customers awareness is key and having an idea as to what search queries brought them to you is an essential point to having some attention on at all times. In the Analysis and Testing catergory I throught the Flow Visualization, Custom Dimensions and Traffic Sources features would be good for me since because I am a big believer in that how your website and pages are displayed is crucial especially when so much of your reputation is spurred by how and what is seen through your web presence and dashboards are the new norm for overviewing everything pertatining to an intention so what else makes sense and realtime reporting is especially useful if one is using twitter which I certainly see as valuable since it is so popular. Also flow visualization would be a great feature for insight around the path visitors take since I want to be in there shoes and customer dimensions is great simply because the more data that you can collect, the better and traffic sources is good because just knowing how well the various avenues that get the traffic to you are working will let you moderate your efforts to create more traffic. I didn't find that I had nuch interest in cross device- cross platform measurement since I could barely understand it and that means investing my attention in it is a detraction from what I need to put my attention on. A definite yes to the API feature because being able to integrate the analytics into the work flow is critical to making realtime usage of the potential of analytics. Filters is useful because the more you can break up the information to collect the info that lets you ask a specific question, the faster you can get the feedback from that query. I didn't find any of the Just for MObile Apps features pertainent since I don't intend on doing anything with mobile apps at this time because it will just complicate the scope of what I am trying to accomplish for now and divide my attention too much. As far as product integrations go I throught Adsense sounded the best because the potential to have that serve as an additional means of revenue is obviously advantagous. Sales and Site Conversion faetures did not excite me much partly because they simply sounded similar to many of the features already listed so it was hard to differentiate what they are about and seemed more analytical figuring than I want to complicate this with. The only Site and App performance feature that I was intrigued by was site speed analytics because I want to be sure that my pages are loading quickly so that I don't become known for having slow loading pages because people maybe as annoyed by that as I am and that definitely makes me want to find a different source for the kind of content that I am seeking. Many of these Google Analytics features sounded great and potentially quite helpful to one's business but also many of then sounded so similar it was hard to tell exactly what it is actually like to be using them and weather they end up being worth one's time and attention but I am interested to keep learning more based on their potential benifit.

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