Friday, November 22, 2013

4 additional tools for marketing

In considering the nature of my business the strategic usage of some of the other online marketing tools that can help my business must be given a great deal of consideration before deciding on their implementation. Let me explain what I mean. The essence of my business mostly relates to selling packages of my services in various formats all of which are intended to give some sort of a corrective measure to ones lifestyle to bring greater balance to their life situation. I can accomplish much of my business just through setting up personalized programs over email but the majority of my business manifests as going to meet with clients personally to help fascilitate the corrective lifestyle measures personally like a personal trainer or an interior decorator. So as a personal wellness consultant I must really take great care to protect the integrity of my reputation since I am the single individual behind the business responsible for everything. It is inherently a delicate situation to offer a service that aims to intervene with the state of people's habbits and patterns in an attempt to offer them a more promising experience of personal fulfillment and I can only do so much to guide them into making personal changes for themselves. So when I market my services I really consider how my image is being expressed to the public and what claims and benifits I advertise through my service. As far as online tools to help market myself go, I think that Google+ is a phenominal tool that helps with the size, style and sort of business I have created the scope of my services to take advantage of. The idea of added search engine optimization benifits makes it too potentially promising not to plan on implementing. Where as say Yelp is not high on my list of priorities because it is very easy for people to not follow my program find that they did not experience the results I intended to outline a path to and then find blame in my service so it is easy to have to combat customer dissatisfaction when people wanting help and greater happiness have not found you to give them that and I do not have time to speak to combating negative critisism all day where implementing a strategy for marketing so the prospect of having to deffend myself from choosing to implement Yelp seems too high. However I absolutely favor Linked In. That is absolutely perfect for the nature of my business. It is much like going to a networking meeting where everyone gets to know each other and refers each other and pools the collective knowledge of the colleagues of their industry. This is a great way to create more business prospects for my business. Also Groupon is great for what I do since I create service packages. So there is so many ways to create promotions for different combinations of services that raising awareness of my business through Groupon would stand to be more than worth it. An all inclusive reader like feedly would be a wise tool for me to since I can scope everything that pertains to my industry from a single front and watch developments in my field and what my competition is doing anf creating as well as keeping taps on all of my blogs, You Tube videos and that sort of thing. This is a great compliment to my other primary social media fronts. The tools to compliment social media are ever changing and expanding in capacity so I am always looking to see what new ways creativity is being harnessed but at the moment these 4 tools are perhaps the best ways for me to capitalize on my marketing efforts.

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