Friday, November 29, 2013

Best Google Analytics Features for My Company

As I look through and comsider the variety of features and options availible through google analytics for my business I must admit I am overwhelmed. There is so many ways tht the analytics are potential brokem down for one's business use it is mind boggling. The idea of all of this analysis is so new and hypothetical to me that it is a little bit difficult to wrap my head around but even from the limited descriptions of the analytics features I was still able to get a fairly good idea of what features are potentially the most favorable for the nature and the scope of my business. I considered the Remarketing and SEO features to be the most relevent for me in the Advertising and Campaign Performance catergory since being able to keep your products and brand in a potential customers awareness is key and having an idea as to what search queries brought them to you is an essential point to having some attention on at all times. In the Analysis and Testing catergory I throught the Flow Visualization, Custom Dimensions and Traffic Sources features would be good for me since because I am a big believer in that how your website and pages are displayed is crucial especially when so much of your reputation is spurred by how and what is seen through your web presence and dashboards are the new norm for overviewing everything pertatining to an intention so what else makes sense and realtime reporting is especially useful if one is using twitter which I certainly see as valuable since it is so popular. Also flow visualization would be a great feature for insight around the path visitors take since I want to be in there shoes and customer dimensions is great simply because the more data that you can collect, the better and traffic sources is good because just knowing how well the various avenues that get the traffic to you are working will let you moderate your efforts to create more traffic. I didn't find that I had nuch interest in cross device- cross platform measurement since I could barely understand it and that means investing my attention in it is a detraction from what I need to put my attention on. A definite yes to the API feature because being able to integrate the analytics into the work flow is critical to making realtime usage of the potential of analytics. Filters is useful because the more you can break up the information to collect the info that lets you ask a specific question, the faster you can get the feedback from that query. I didn't find any of the Just for MObile Apps features pertainent since I don't intend on doing anything with mobile apps at this time because it will just complicate the scope of what I am trying to accomplish for now and divide my attention too much. As far as product integrations go I throught Adsense sounded the best because the potential to have that serve as an additional means of revenue is obviously advantagous. Sales and Site Conversion faetures did not excite me much partly because they simply sounded similar to many of the features already listed so it was hard to differentiate what they are about and seemed more analytical figuring than I want to complicate this with. The only Site and App performance feature that I was intrigued by was site speed analytics because I want to be sure that my pages are loading quickly so that I don't become known for having slow loading pages because people maybe as annoyed by that as I am and that definitely makes me want to find a different source for the kind of content that I am seeking. Many of these Google Analytics features sounded great and potentially quite helpful to one's business but also many of then sounded so similar it was hard to tell exactly what it is actually like to be using them and weather they end up being worth one's time and attention but I am interested to keep learning more based on their potential benifit.

Monday, November 25, 2013

My favorite coupon options for my business

For my personal wellness consultation business The Balance Connection, it would work well for me to provide coupons for a variety of my products and service packages. The nature of my business lends itself quite well to coupons because there are so many variables with what I offer in terms of potential service packages that I am able to custom tailor coupons to fit for all kinds of promotions. One of the best kinds of coupons for getting new customers can be through referal deals. Since I create customized programs to restore mind body functioning and a state of wellness, it's very practical for me to offer discounts to people for refering a friend when they sign on for a service contract for a specified duration. This is a very common practice at yoga studios where the person who brought the exposure of your business to a new person is given either a coupon for a free class or a discount on future classes and/or giving some kind of a coupon or discount to the new person. My most likely coupon deal would be a discount to give people a free assessment of their personal wellness profile which is a service I provide that creates a product as the outcome of the assessment that gives them an idea of what further services I provide that would help to correct the areas of imbalance that are occuring in their lives. The coupon is for the initial assessment which is good for giving them some insight into how they are doing but also tends to create the the desire to learn more about what they can do to help themselves prevent disease, a gradual decline in functioning or avoid stess related burn out. It is perhaps my most favored coupon deal since it is the gateway to learning all about what my methods intail so it is something that I always have availible for new customers. I also like to create coupons that have that buy one get one deal to them because that can also be interperated as 50% off so when I apply it to say a personalized in home yoga lesson, it can be very attractive to people to have another one coming for nothing and if I allow it to be transferable to another person in the household then that holds the potential for the person who has had one lesson with me to desire to share the benifits that they have experienced with a family member ( usually a wife now attempting to get her husband to try yoga for stress relief ) which can end up landing me 2 new customers each looking to have their personal yoga practice analyzed and crafted for them to carry out either with me or with out me (which is an additional product aswell). This can be well worth the initial investment from me being the buy one get one coupon as long as I limit it to 1 per houshold.

Friday, November 22, 2013

4 additional tools for marketing

In considering the nature of my business the strategic usage of some of the other online marketing tools that can help my business must be given a great deal of consideration before deciding on their implementation. Let me explain what I mean. The essence of my business mostly relates to selling packages of my services in various formats all of which are intended to give some sort of a corrective measure to ones lifestyle to bring greater balance to their life situation. I can accomplish much of my business just through setting up personalized programs over email but the majority of my business manifests as going to meet with clients personally to help fascilitate the corrective lifestyle measures personally like a personal trainer or an interior decorator. So as a personal wellness consultant I must really take great care to protect the integrity of my reputation since I am the single individual behind the business responsible for everything. It is inherently a delicate situation to offer a service that aims to intervene with the state of people's habbits and patterns in an attempt to offer them a more promising experience of personal fulfillment and I can only do so much to guide them into making personal changes for themselves. So when I market my services I really consider how my image is being expressed to the public and what claims and benifits I advertise through my service. As far as online tools to help market myself go, I think that Google+ is a phenominal tool that helps with the size, style and sort of business I have created the scope of my services to take advantage of. The idea of added search engine optimization benifits makes it too potentially promising not to plan on implementing. Where as say Yelp is not high on my list of priorities because it is very easy for people to not follow my program find that they did not experience the results I intended to outline a path to and then find blame in my service so it is easy to have to combat customer dissatisfaction when people wanting help and greater happiness have not found you to give them that and I do not have time to speak to combating negative critisism all day where implementing a strategy for marketing so the prospect of having to deffend myself from choosing to implement Yelp seems too high. However I absolutely favor Linked In. That is absolutely perfect for the nature of my business. It is much like going to a networking meeting where everyone gets to know each other and refers each other and pools the collective knowledge of the colleagues of their industry. This is a great way to create more business prospects for my business. Also Groupon is great for what I do since I create service packages. So there is so many ways to create promotions for different combinations of services that raising awareness of my business through Groupon would stand to be more than worth it. An all inclusive reader like feedly would be a wise tool for me to since I can scope everything that pertains to my industry from a single front and watch developments in my field and what my competition is doing anf creating as well as keeping taps on all of my blogs, You Tube videos and that sort of thing. This is a great compliment to my other primary social media fronts. The tools to compliment social media are ever changing and expanding in capacity so I am always looking to see what new ways creativity is being harnessed but at the moment these 4 tools are perhaps the best ways for me to capitalize on my marketing efforts.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Blogs I posted comments on

The blogs I posted comments for the newsletter entry were:

Thursday, November 14, 2013

David C on Newsletters for Business

The potential to stay in your customers awareness for a long time after there initial interaction or transaction with you is greatly increased by creating a newsletter that can be subscribed to. And when people have that free subsciption you have their attention perpetually as they come to consider and perhaps even rely on your information as their preferred source so making a newsletter that is likeable and marketable is key to winning an active subscriber that actually seeks to stay in the know of your information. Of course not every business inherently lends itself to being well suited for a newsletter. If your industry is not making much news then a newsless newsletter would be basically pathetic. For myself the idea of having a newsletter for my business sounds fun but at the same time an added stressor that may not be worth the headache. I can invision having times where I am rich with content and can easily find more than eough to address in the sections of my newsletter. Snd then I'm sure that there would be times where I'd be seaching just to find something to fill it in with and end up struggling to get it out on time. If I were to include a newsletter as part of my email marketing plan I'd release a newsletter either every 2 onths or perhaps even once a season. The less the better in my opinion because I want to make sure that each time I put someting out the quality is genuine and meaningful so it is a joy to create and the content was gradually gathered not forced. If I do create a newsletter for ny business I think there would be a lot of great stuff I could put into it. I'd definitely have a lot of different articles. Being that I am about holistic wellness there is all kinds of catergories I could create content for. There could be an ask the experts column, articles on industry innovations, yoga poses for different treatment purposes, guest writers, health trend or hox exposees etc. I could also feature lifestyle tips columns as well as product reviews and recipes. If my newsletter only came out once per season that is convinient also because the advice for how best to stay healthy varies with the seasons from a holistic health perspective so that makes it pedrfect for always having a column about how to address staying healthy and balanced with the seasonal changes taking place. If I take a look around at other businesses offering similar news letters then I could see just what kind of content I'm looking to match or mimic in some ways.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Post Reach VS Post Engagement & Facebook Insights

So let's talk a little bit about the concepts of post reach as apposed to post engagement. Through Facebook we can come to assess both. Post reach is a one sided communication where as post engagement is open communication from both sides. Here is how it works. Post reach is established by numerically calculating the number of views of your post that have occured from either a computer or mobile device within the first 28 days of publishing. Post engagement on the other hand is more involved than just a resulting number. Post engagement tracks the lines of communication that occur from actions like captioning a photo, filling in the blank statement or asking a question. Therefore it is important to know and understand how to harness the power of both through setting yourself up to reap the benifit of the feedback they generate. Post reach is great to give us insight on just how many people are aware of the content of a post and gives us a sense of what kind of content tends to be seen the most so that we can monitor and plan strategic posts that will attract the interest of the greatest number of people in our targeted demographic. Through post engagement we can follow just what methods of engagement tend to be utilized the most and can plan to attract further engagement as we use Facebook Insights to assess our ongoing attempts at refining our posting strategy.

A business is able to use Facebook Insights as a valuable tool to help them get an increasingly good idea of who they are reaching and who is interacting with them. Since you are able to monitor the activity around every post, you can then formulate your Facebook marketing plan by that feedback. This helps you to better serve their needs since you can become aware of what they have liked or not and what their opinions have been. Over time relying on Facebook Insights may become the greatest ally in spreading your business through the Facebook platform.

New URL created for my Facebook business page. Like it if you like it : )

Hey there gang. I'm proud to announce that I have put the finishing touches on my Facebook business page, "The Balance Connection". Your one stop shop for all things personal wellness. please check it out at And if you like it, like it! Also I will be catching up on a few posting subjects I've been meaning to address for a while so if some of my upcoming posts seem to be less than current I assure you they are as fresh as the mind that is generating them.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog Catergories to Use when Bogging for Business.

Like anything else the catergories to organize by depend on the intention. So when considering just what catergories one would want to create to serves as the designations for organizing their blog content one must think about the intended nature of the blog and this is especially important when the blog is to be used for the purpose of administering an aspects of one's business. Since a blog created for business potentially has a very real consequence for how functional it is (mainly how much business it leads to the generation of and the monetary outcome that results)we will want to plan and setup the catergories for our anticipated blog content with great consideration. Pretty much any business is going to want to make a list of the keywords pertainant to the business's industry and the functions that the blog is there to administer. When I consider using a blog for my business. The primary question is what content will I need to be funneling in order to keep it all accessible and orderly so that it is streamlined for the people that will be more pleased to return and follow a blogger that gets them what they want. Because that is what I want to be known for so that I become the go to source for my area of content. That is the goal. To be "their guy for that". And my "that" is personal wellness. Which is inherently such a broad catergory in and of itself that it gives me all kinds of room to articulate the areas of consideration that personal wellness manifests as so all of those subdivisions that I mean to speak to will become the initial catergories. So I intend to speak to the areas of; alternative medicine and healing, new age thought, technological innovations for lifestyle, personalized wellness (as the means to perpetually promote my personal wellness consultation procress and service), basics of yoga, mediation and balanced living. These are the areas I mean to speak to and can then watch what catergory of content gets the greatest response. Which may lead to refining the catergories as well as which one's I support with the most posts etc. Other catergories to support the primary functioning of these content catergories might become admin related themes like: Suggestion Box, Guest Bloggers, Best of Twitter Stream, Testimonials, FAQs, Links we Like, Fiends and Followers Feedback etc. If you take some time to think about how all ofthe content of your blog is going to need to flow then you have set yourself up to maintain your sanity and feed an effortless increase in blog following since getting information from you as a source is convinient and effective. Cheers, David C : ) Also Its worth mentioning that I commented on some of the bogs of my fellow CSIT155 bloggers where I felt prompted to speak to their "How Personal to get when Bogging" entries. The blogs that I felt compelled to leave comments for where,,

Sunday, November 10, 2013

How Personal To Be When Bogging

The idea of just how personal one should get when writing on their blog is of coarse of central importance and certainly there as an underlying consideration for anyone who is using a blog but perhaps not consciously enough. If we can outline some of the considerations and determining factors that help us to assess the boundaries around how personal to become and for what types of situations and blogs then we can surely do ourselves quite a service in the long run of helping and preparing for avoiding all kinds of potential problems. So the key consideration is really having an idea of just what you want the scope of your blog to be used for. For my self, my blog is to serve as a supplement to the type of business that I do. It helps me to have an outlet to stay in the conversation and mode of mental consideration of everything that is informationally relevent to my craft. So I have reasons to be personal as well as stay very impersonal. For the most part I see the essence of what I am in support of through my business to be impersonal even though the intention is to develop a reputation of repore and trust with individuals. This is because I don't intend to try to create a sense of "weight" in my opinion through personal expertise but rather rely on my intention to selflessly be a wholehearted reporter of the science that my personal wellness consultation service means to be able to facilitate. In this way it is my hope that I am percieved as free of ego and far more motivated by sincerity to be able to share what is scientifically valid. In this way I can gain more trust and be seen as a reliable source for valuable information that does not come from a huge agenda. However it is also necessary to carry a tone of caring and relating personally through addressing customer problems and questions. I must have a reputation of accountability so that I am regarded as the face of a service that keeps brand loyalty so it is key to be very human as well. I run my business alone so I am not forced to adhere to any corporate ideals or policies when commenting or responding to inquiries but it still makes great sense to be sparing as to how much and just to what depth you become personal through the blog. One would not mean to accidently give out all kinds of key details of there personal life choices and schedule if it can create an avenue for stalking or identity theft for example. But I need to be know as the one behind the brand and also hosting my blog as a means of providing others in my industry the space for guest blog spots which helps with brand loyalty. So there is no hard or fast rules to the boundaries but for my specific usage and business it is required that I find a tasteful balance that conveys to anyone just what it is or would be to be in my shoes trying to do this. So I want to give my customers and followers the best of my wholehearted personality while still keeping their respect for my wisdom regarding self protection where inherently reasonable.