Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Balance Connection Marketing Strategy

For my business The Balance Connetion, the marketing strategy has been primarily centered around Craigs list. Beyond that I have gotten all of my flyer posting locations memorized. And that was what I had been working with before this class. So now the marketing strategy that encorporates the best social media for a business of this sort and scope also includes the usage of Facebook and You Tube. My goal is to have to spend no more than 15 min once a day checking the Facebook account and maybe 45 min to an hr once a week updating and working with You Tube. That may cange though as my business grows and evolves. If I end up making more and more educational videos for You Tube then I may have to spend a lot more time uploading and so on. I will develop a test strategy for these tools by creating several promotional and educational videos for my Business and uplading them into You Tube and maybe even potentially embedding them into my Facebook page. If I can reach that 30 Likes mark and get the Facebook analytics to open up for me I will be able really get a good idea of how well what kind of posts have been fairing for me and be able to track how often and how many times which of my You Tube clips have been watched. Facebook content would be plotted primarily as yoga related stuff. That usually helps to keep followers nourished with continual ideas and images of wellness and health. That is one of the main things my page does for people. It gives them a plasce to go to feel likethey've connected to something transcendent. So posts that are centered around a health tip or new wellness fad or idea are great for the type of people that follow my site. I'd probably create You Tube clips of how to properly perfom different kinds of yoga postures safely without injury. Other cliips might be about the keys to living a balanced daily routine or tips for varying one's diet with the seasons.

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