Monday, December 16, 2013

A few Twitter subscribers that seemed right to follow for my business

After signing up and getting myself aquainted with the twitter platform ( which was quite a process, having to find and decide on at least 15 twitter subscribers to follow off of the bat), I found some good potential business leads for myself by using the advanced search feature.

first I did a search that contained the words,

"yoga, wellness, holistic"
This brought up a never ending list of twitter subscribers that fit the description. After taking a look through the different accounts that came up I felt that these were some of the most interesting one's that may help to expand and extend the reach of my business and brand.

Holistic Network@HolisticNetwork
Probably the best go to source for all things wholistic. Couldn't hurt and since I noticed that Deepak Chopra follows them that seemed like a good sign. Also kinda cool to see that Twitter tells you when you are following someone that someone else you follow also has been following

Yoga Pants Daily™@YogasAllDay
Ok at a glance this one made sense because by the name I thought, "oh what a smart marketing idea. Some organization that started an account to feature different yoga pants each day so that anyone interested will come back each day to see what kind of pants they are featuring next. Turns out it's more about showing a different girl in yoga pants each day. Not a problem, I'll still follow but maybe not the best to be seen following them since it makes my company look sleezy so I wouldn't if I was already in the practice of using a Twitter account for business.

This one seemed really smart for me to follow since they are all about creating a resource network of different yoga teachers so that no matter where you are, you can find a yoga teacher near you. Perfect for me and my business!

Holistic Well Guide@HolisticWell
This one is somewhat similar to the last one only that it is a Holistic wellness source for linking all kinds of holistic health practitioners. Definitely for me.

After that I tried changing my search term so that I could find some other areas of tweeting that could be related to the healing modalities that I use so next I did a search for,


That also produced a ton of results but the one that quickly stood out as a good candidate to follow for potential future business leads was
Ayurveda Awareness@AyurvedaPerth
Their page seemed to ring with a charm that was like what I emphasize so maybe they create a probable business link for me where some of the others seemed less likely to serve my purposes.

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